
Topic: change

topics > computer science > Group: systems

change notification
chaotic behavior
database change management
design for change
discrete vs. continuous
evolutionary systems
limitations of formalism
managing changes in hypertext
self-regulating systems
sensitivity of software to change
software change management
revision delta
Subtopic: evolutionary change up

Quote: any cause however slight can lead to new species; because nature deals with nearly infinite individuals and time scales [»wallAR8_1858, OK]
Quote: with many sudden changes, only the most flexible survive, i.e., the weeds (less interdependent) [»branS_1974]

Subtopic: change vs. stability up

Quote: the regulator paradox--the task is to eliminate variation, but variation is the source of needed information; e.g., testing icy roads [»weinGM_1979]
Quote: constancy and stability has a lasting advantage over the slow improvements of gradual correction [»johnS_1755, OK]
Quote: every aspect of a program is liable to change, but languages require details to be fixed; use macros
Quote: mastery of a system inhibits desire for change in that system, even if there are serious problems [»potaWA_1979]
Quote: represent what does not change by a function and represent what changes by the function's arguments [»fregG_1879]

Subtopic: change vs. requirements up

Quote: discourage change if want comprehensive requirements before coding starts [»berrDM10_2002]

Subtopic: discrete vs. continuous up

Quote: quantum mechanics describes discontinuous change by the continuous change of the probabilities of possible states [»einsA_1949]

Subtopic: change as version up

Quote: every change to software will be re-experienced, all at once, by users running a new version [»tognB_1992]

Subtopic: significant change up

Quote: if you must change a system, make it a large and obvious one; otherwise accidental errors become easy [»tognB_1990]

Subtopic: system change up

Quote: adaptive changes add new functionality or supported environments, corrective changes fix faults, perfective changes and reengineering improves software maintenance [»eickSG4_2002]
Quote: the essence of change in a computational system is the appearance and disappearance of tokens of external symbols [»kentW6_1991]

Subtopic: continuous change up

Quote: rule of continuity -- no change takes place by leaps and bounds
Quote: no continuous change except locomotion, and no continuous locomotion except cyclical
Quote: the end of every movement must be one of the divine bodies moving in the sky; no other ultimate source for movement; no infinite regress [»aris_322a]
Quote: in programming, discoveries and requirements grow faster than code; can not be systematic or keep up with documention [»berrDM10_2002]

Subtopic: economics up

Quote: economic problems arise only in consequence of change [»hayeFA9_1945]
Quote: economic change not captured by statistical aggregates; constant, deliberate adjustments, every day [»hayeFA9_1945]
Quote: prices register anonymous change; people adjust their activity by the price movements of scarce resources [»hayeFA9_1945]

Subtopic: change as time up

Quote: the dimension of change is best represented through time, not through past versions [»laurB_1991]
Quote: time and change have always been [»aris_322a]
Quote: time is either the same as change or is in some way bound up with it

Subtopic: spontaneous change up

Quote: in substances, change happens spontaneously and in an orderly way [»leibGW4_1695]
Quote: reality undergoes constant change; the purpose of science is to predict and explain these changes [»thomR_1975]
Quote: don't think about what's common about 'games', look; there are multifarious relationships continually changing [»wittL_1958a]

Subtopic: decay up

Quote: categories and indices decay; over time, they decline in relevance; e.g., Dewey Decimal system [»nelsTH_1967]
Quote: modularity decays; in 1989, the change history clearly separated two clusters of modules; by 1996, these clusters had broken down [»eickSG1_2001]

Related Topics up

Topic: change notification (19 items)
Topic: chaotic behavior (27 items)
Topic: database change management (12 items)
Topic: design for change (76 items)
Topic: discrete vs. continuous (47 items)
Topic: evolutionary systems (47 items)
Topic: limitations of formalism (93 items)
Topic: managing changes in hypertext (21 items)
Topic: self-regulating systems (23 items)
Topic: sensitivity of software to change (44 items)
Topic: software change management (48 items)
Topic: time (49 items)
Topic: revision delta
(18 items)

Updated barberCB 6/05
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