ThesaHelp: references e-f
ThesaHelp: ACM references f-l
Topic: descriptive languages
Topic: prompted input
Topic: processing a sequence
Topic: state machine
Topic: semantics by an abstract machine
Topic: state
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Floyd, R.W.,
"The paradigms of programming",
Communications of the ACM, 22, 8, pp. 455-460, August 1979.
458 ;;Quote: programming languages should support the major paradigms of their users' communities
| 459 ;;Quote: the standard paradigm for interactive input is PROMPT..READ..CHECK..ECHO
| 459 ;;Quote: many tasks consist of generate elements of a set, filter a subset, accumulate over some function
| 459 ;;Quote: state-machine paradigm represents state by values of storage variables; must handle simultaneous assignment
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Topic: state machine (67 items)
Topic: semantics by an abstract machine (38 items)
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