ThesaHelp: references e-f
Topic: decomposition of a system into levels
Topic: identifying program modules
Topic: implementation of user interfaces
Topic: software portability
Group: testing and evaluating user interfaces
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Fowler, M. ,
"Separating user interface code ",
IEEE Software , March/April 2001 , pp. 96-97 .
96 ;;Quote: separate the presentation code from domain code; the UI should only display information
| 97 ;;Quote: domain code is easy to port while presentation code is tied to the operating system and hardware
| 97 ;;Quote: while presentation code is difficult to test, can test the domain code through direct calls
Related Topics
ThesaHelp: references e-f (168 items)
Topic: decomposition of a system into levels (49 items)
Topic: identifying program modules (26 items)
Topic: implementation of user interfaces (18 items)
Topic: software portability (43 items)
Group: testing and evaluating user interfaces (9 topics, 262 quotes)