
Topic: implementation of user interfaces

topics > computer science > Group: user interface

graphical user interface
types of user interfaces
user interface for hypertext

color in user interfaces
event loop for a user interface
icons for a user interface
interactive response time
menus for a UserInterface
modes in a user interface
mouse as the user interface
multiple activities in a user interface
raster graphics
user interface design
user interface tool kits
windows for a UserInterface


User interfaces should separate the display of screen objects from modifying those objects.

Constraints are useful for user interfaces.

Subtopic: model-view-controller up

Quote: separate the presentation code from domain code; the UI should only display information [»fowlM3_2001]
Quote: while presentation code is difficult to test, can test the domain code through direct calls [»fowlM3_2001]
Quote: SUIT separates updating screen objects from updating the screen by using a 'needs to be repainted' bit; done at end of loop [»pausR10_1992]
Quote: most students attempted to paint during input; misunderstood separation between changing the database and painting the display [»pausR10_1992]
Quote: EMACS separates updating the display from the editing operation; simplifies extensions [»stalRM6_1981]
Quote: displaying the current state is viewing output as a shared object between user and system [»drapSW_1986]

Subtopic: display vs. signaling up

Quote: instead of signaling events can automatically display information, e.g., the current state of a screen editor [»drapSW_1986]

Subtopic: custom UI for application up

Quote: the most useful EMACS command for editing is 'auto-fill space'; it automatically word wraps at the right margin [»stalRM6_1981]

Subtopic: constraints up

Quote: constraints useful for user interfaces; e.g., state consistency, view consistency, formatting requirements, animation [»freeBN1_1990]
Quote: display a composite node via a constraint language that describes interpane relationships, sizes and configurations [»conkJ9_1987]
Quote: constraint-based display: each item and relationship defines constraints which must be satisfied by the display [»smolP11_1987]
Quote: should define an interactive display declaratively without modifying the objects to be displayed [»maieD1_1986]
Quote: efficient, incremental algorithms to solve constraints for user interfaces; e.g., to place a pane in the left third of a window [»bornA10_1997]

Subtopic: labels in text box up

Quote: a label for text should be inside the page containing the text [»nielJ3_1990]

Subtopic: display updating up

Quote: update remote displays efficiently by transmitting edit sequences instead of entire displays [»tichWF11_1984]
Quote: gives a practical algorithm for optimal row replacement; use for remote updates of video screens [»millW7_1988]
Quote: DIALOGUE supports 20 terminal types; successful implementation of terminal independence [»vaskD_1982]

Subtopic: formal methods do not work up

Quote: formal methods are inappropriate for user interface design

Related Topics up

Group: graphical user interface   (24 topics, 512 quotes)
Group: types of user interfaces   (23 topics, 298 quotes)
Group: user interface for hypertext   (5 topics, 110 quotes)

Topic: color in user interfaces (7 items)
Topic: constraints (35 items)
Topic: event loop for a user interface (11 items)
Topic: icons for a user interface (23 items)
Topic: interactive response time (32 items)
Topic: menus for a UserInterface (31 items)
Topic: modes in a user interface (40 items)
Topic: mouse as the user interface (13 items)
Topic: multiple activities in a user interface (17 items)
Topic: raster graphics (27 items)
Topic: standards (12 items)
Topic: user interface design (36 items)
Topic: user interface tool kits (31 items)
Topic: windows for a UserInterface
(21 items)

Updated barberCB 7/04
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