ThesaHelp: ACM references m-z
ThesaHelp: references m-o
Topic: problems with disorientation in hypertext
Group: testing and evaluating user interfaces
Topic: problems with reading hypertext
Topic: problems with using icons
Topic: graphics
Topic: comparing paper to electronic access to information
Topic: history list in hypertext
Topic: implementation of user interfaces
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Nielsen, J.,
"The art of navigating through hypertext",
Communications of the ACM, 33, 3, March 1990, pp. 296-310.
298 ;;Quote: problem of disorientation while navigating a hypertext; e.g., 56% agreed fully or partly with 'I was often confused about "where I was"'
| 298 ;;Quote: discount usability engineering--when two or users have a problem that can be explained, then best to fix the problem at once
| 299 ;;Quote: users miss subtle differences in graphics design used to indicate different kinds of information
| 299 ;;Quote: on-line text is more homogeneous than traditional text, e.g., typefont, newspaper vs. book; reduce by graphical design
| 302 ;;Quote: to help orientation in a hypertext, display the time that a location was last visited
| 303 ;;Quote: use checkmarks to indicate where a user has been in a hypertext; for overview and links
| 304 ;;Quote: to read hypertext need global context and local context; need to indicate the immediately preceding and following text
| 305 ;;Quote: a label for text should be inside the page containing the text
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