
Topic: problems with reading hypertext

topics > computer science > hypertext > Group: problems with hypertext

problems with disorientation in hypertext
problems with information retrieval
problem of screen size


Hypertext may be harder to read than published material. With published material, authors and editors organize, review, rework, and design the material. With hypertext, material is often as written. The unit of delivery is too small to care about.

With hypertext, users may skip important information. (cbb 3/07)

Subtopic: text not read up

Quote: users often fail to read information even though modest amount of text in the expected form [»robeG5_1981]

Subtopic: lack of formatting up

Quote: on-line text is more homogeneous than traditional text, e.g., typefont, newspaper vs. book; reduce by graphical design [»nielJ3_1990]

Subtopic: lack of graphical design up

Quote: users miss subtle differences in graphics design used to indicate different kinds of information [»nielJ3_1990]

Subtopic: problem of context up

Quote: since Hypertext is good for revealing intertextuality, it is complicated to use [»slatJM_1988]
Quote: to read hypertext need global context and local context; need to indicate the immediately preceding and following text [»nielJ3_1990]
Quote: Intermedia must help users manage complex Hypertext environments [»conkJ9_1987]

Subtopic: authoring vs. reading up

Quote: in a graphical browser for Hypertext, the author's interpretation of link icons should match the users' interpretations [»frisME7_1988]

Subtopic: problem of synchronized access up

Quote: with multiple, virtual workspaces have problem of simultaneous access to separated information [»hendDA7_1986]

Subtopic: scrolling OK up

Quote: users scroll the browser frequently and read long passages that interest them

Related Topics up

Topic: problems with disorientation in hypertext (18 items)
Topic: problems with information retrieval (51 items)
Topic: problem of screen size
(12 items)

Updated barberCB 11/04
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