
Topic: problem of screen size

topics > computer science > Group: user interface

graphical user interface

comparing paper to electronic access to information
desktop metaphor for user interfaces
disorientation in a user interface
display console as a user interface
ease of use
fisheye views in the user interface
icons for a user interface
multiple views for a user interface
problems with information retrieval
problems with reading hypertext
problems with using icons
spatial metaphor in user interfaces
tiled vs. overlapping windows
using icons to represent windows

Subtopic: one task -- one window up

Quote: a well-designed system makes everything relevant to a task visible on the screen; aids memory [»smitDC4_1982]
Quote: use stick-e notes for field data collection using a PDA; collection forms and geographical indices [»pascJ9_2000]

Subtopic: displays vs. books, desktops, quotes, etc. up

Quote: computer displays are very much smaller than desks or tables [»hendDA7_1986]
Quote: electronic displays are very limited compared to 3d printed books [»mendE3_1988]
Quote: try looking at a newspaper through a Mac screen; it's restricting [»vandA7_1988]
Quote: OED editors must arrange thousands of quotation slips while computerized systems handle tens of slips
Quote: the desktop metaphor is inaccurate because a desktop provides random access to scores of pages; really an airplane-seat [»brooFP_1986]

Subtopic: hardware limitations up

Quote: the Mac-style user interface is a browsing interface that works well for 100-500 resources [»lindO_1992]
Quote: hardware limits the number of recognizable objects that can be displayed at once [»feinS3_1988]

Subtopic: expanding windows up

Quote: use expanded sections for data entry into a form; gives effect of the section popping forward and coming to life; works well [»hainDP3_1997]
Quote: Elastic Windows stretch, shrink, iconify to visualize roles through hierarchical windows

Subtopic: overlapping windows up

Quote: overlapping windows in a restricted space creates an 'electronic messy desk' [»hendDA7_1986]

Related Topics up

Group: graphical user interface   (24 topics, 512 quotes)

Topic: comparing paper to electronic access to information (35 items)
Topic: desktop metaphor for user interfaces (18 items)
Topic: disorientation in a user interface (13 items)
Topic: display console as a user interface (10 items)
Topic: ease of use (47 items)
Topic: fisheye views in the user interface (16 items)
Topic: icons for a user interface (23 items)
Topic: multiple views for a user interface (26 items)
Topic: problems with information retrieval (51 items)
Topic: problems with reading hypertext (9 items)
Topic: problems with using icons (11 items)
Topic: spatial metaphor in user interfaces (33 items)
Topic: tiled vs. overlapping windows (21 items)
Topic: using icons to represent windows
(15 items)

Updated barberCB 11/04
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