ThesaHelp: references i-l
Topic: ease of learning
Topic: philosophy of mind
Topic: recognition
Topic: consciousness
Topic: spatial metaphor in user interfaces
Group: psychology
Topic: icons for a user interface
Topic: direct manipulation for a UserInterface
Topic: information retrieval by searching
Topic: browsing with a user interface
Topic: problems with using icons
Topic: problem of screen size
Topic: problems with information retrieval
Topic: computer as an intelligent agent
Topic: database agents
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Linderholm, O.,
"Mind Melding",
Byte, pp. 41-46, Outlook '92, special edition.
41 ;;Quote: in user interfaces, need to increase the number of functions while decreasing the training time
| 41+;;Quote: the number of features is increasing nearly exponentially in almost all applications
| 42 ;;Quote: spatial orientation, recognition memory, and language use different mentalities; e.g., Piaget's water pouring experiment
| 42 ;;Quote: Mac-style user interface from cognitive psychology; combines kinesthetic (mouse), iconic (windows/icons), and symbolic (Hypercard) mentalities
| 43 ;;Quote: the Mac-style user interface is a browsing interface that works well for 100-500 resources
| 43+;;Quote: with pervasive networking will want access to a trillion resources; use agents
| 43 ;;Quote: agents are semi-intelligent programs that carry out your goals; e.g., personal news reporters that scour the networks for relevant items
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ThesaHelp: references i-l (342 items)
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