ThesaHelp: references m-o
Topic: multiple views for a user interface
Group: object-oriented programming
Topic: user interface tool kits
Topic: declarative vs. procedural representation
Topic: implementation of user interfaces
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Maier, D., Nordquist, P., Grossman, M.,
"Displaying database objects", Oregon, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Oregon Graduate Center, January 1986, CSE-86-001.
Other Reference
for presentation at First International Conference on Expert Database Systems, April 1986, p. 15.
1 ;;Quote: an interactive display should dynamically reflect the structure of the displayed objects; should create subviews as needed
| 10 ;;Quote: while difficult to create the first display type for a class, additional display types are easy and generating a display is quick
| 15 ;;Quote: should define an interactive display declaratively without modifying the objects to be displayed
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ThesaHelp: references m-o (268 items)
Topic: multiple views for a user interface (26 items)
Group: object-oriented programming (26 topics, 814 quotes)
Topic: user interface tool kits (31 items)
Topic: declarative vs. procedural representation (53 items)
Topic: implementation of user interfaces (18 items)