
Topic: user interface design

topics > computer science > Group: user interface

graphical user interface
program design
types of user interfaces
testing and evaluating user interfaces
user interface for hypertext

color in user interfaces
customized user interfaces
demonstrating systems
design for change
ease of learning
ease of use
identifying the user interface with the system
implementation of user interfaces
incremental development
mental models, consistency, and interface metaphors
modes in a user interface
non-constraining system
novice users and the UserInterface
problems with usability testing
spatial metaphor in user interfaces
step-by-step dialog
task communication
user-centered design

Subtopic: UI goals up

Quote: we need new interface paradigms based on the structure of computer systems and computerized tasks; not imitations of outdated technologies [»gentD8_1996]
Quote: the primary test of a user interface is its success with users; ask if they understand and if they can perform tasks easily and efficiently [»apple_1987]
Quote: the proper object of an user interface is what the person is doing with the computer; i.e., don't model what the computer is doing [»laurB_1991]
Quote: the design of a user agent should be guided by its task and not its social dimension
Quote: we need new interface paradigms based on the structure of computer systems and computerized tasks; not imitations of outdated technologies [»gentD8_1996]

Subtopic: human limitations up

Quote: human limitations include error-prone, unpredictable, slow communication, small short-term memory, degrades with overload, sensitive to response time [»cherDR_1976]
Quote: we generally pay attention to only one thing at time; important for interface design [»raskJ2_1997]
Quote: human-human communication is a poor model for human-computer interaction [»shneB_1987]

Subtopic: desirable UI properties up

Quote: why do children love Legos? immediate, universal, simple, incremental, kinesthetic, visible, quick, examples, safe, fun [»myerBA_1992]
Quote: Star emphasized the easy concepts of concrete, visible, copying, choosing, recognizing, editing, interactive; and avoided their opposites [»smitDC4_1982]
Quote: Apple Desktop Interface assumes that people are curious, strive for mastery, enjoy communicating, with imagination and artistry [»apple_1987]
QuoteRef: cherDR_1976 ;;363 properties for user interface: simple, responsive, user-controlled, flexible,stable,protective,self-documenting,reliable,user-modifiable
Quote: aids for electronic text: broad menus, user-defined keywords, backtracking, tutorials, on-screen information [»kerrST_1986]
Quote: using factor analysis, found self-descriptive system, user control, ease of learning, usability, fits expectations [»dzidW7_1978, OK]
Quote: the operating system of a personal computer should encourage user/system cooperation in a resource-rich environment [»redeDD2_1980]

Subtopic: representation vs. presentation up

Quote: Smalltalk's Model-View-Controller is a design pattern that separates representation from presentation

Subtopic: graphic designers up

Quote: use graphic designers for the visual elements in a user interface; they can communicate more information in less space [»tognB_1992]

Subtopic: data vs. task up

Quote: data-oriented UI design defines a set of windows to represent the data; poor support for tasks [»laueS7_2001]
Quote: task-oriented UI design defines windows for tasks; poor overview of data and limited task design [»laueS7_2001]

Subtopic: task analysis up

Quote: a cluttered, cryptic, alphabetic, help-less interface works well if the designers understand the users' background and tasks [»brooR3_1993]
Quote: use task analysis for user interface design; who are the users, what information do they use, and what methods [»smitDC4_1982]
Quote: after task analysis, build a new task environment for the user for the same goals [»smitDC4_1982]

Subtopic: design to task up

Quote: with OZ, pilots can control two planes under turbulence, or simultaneously read one word a second [»stilDL12_2002]
Quote: OZ provides all flight information at a glance; no hunting for flight path derivations [»stilDL12_2002]
Quote: OZ displays a stylized triplane showing power requirements, power available, and the complex interrelationship between power, drag, airspeed, configuration, and performance
Quote: the processed data of OZ does not obscure information or make decisions for the operator

Subtopic: virtual windows up

Quote: virtual-window UI creates idealized windows that organize data for tasks; no menus, buttons, or functions; create physical windows later [»laueS7_2001]
Quote: understandable data through virtual windows; reworked after user testing; physical windows should resemble virtual windows [»laueS7_2001]

Subtopic: minimialist UI up

Quote: rules for a minimalist UI -- no wasted actions, no retyping, automation, defaults; smallest actions do the most useful things; no pop-up menus, no keyboard necessary [»pikeR6_1991a]
Quote: fast, minimalist UI for textual applications; editing, scrolling, dedicated mouse buttons, no icons, no pop-up menu; even shell procedures can use the graphical UI; based on Unix file operations and Oberon [»pikeR6_1991a]
Quote: pure, point-and-click interface using text windows and tools; e.g., read mail, debug, and respond without using keyboard [»pikeR6_1991a]
Quote: use stick-e notes for field data collection using a PDA; collection forms and geographical indices [»pascJ9_2000]

Subtopic: UI as language up

Quote: Anti-Mac interface: based on language, rich representation, expressive interface, expert users, and shared control [»gentD8_1996]
Quote: the UserInterface between computer and user consists of symbols, i.e., character strings [»kentW_1978]
Quote: an interactive system should be based on descriptive everyday words and legitimate English phrases; many don't [»ledgH10_1980]

Subtopic: UI problems up

Quote: Microsoft Office Assistant poorly rated for troubleshooting and for learning new applications

Related Topics up

Group: graphical user interface   (24 topics, 512 quotes)
Group: program design   (13 topics, 454 quotes)
Group: types of user interfaces   (23 topics, 298 quotes)
Group: testing and evaluating user interfaces   (9 topics, 262 quotes)
Group: user interface for hypertext   (5 topics, 110 quotes)

Topic: color in user interfaces (7 items)
Topic: customized user interfaces (10 items)
Topic: demonstrating systems (6 items)
Topic: design for change (76 items)
Topic: ease of learning (38 items)
Topic: ease of use (47 items)
Topic: identifying the user interface with the system (16 items)
Topic: implementation of user interfaces (18 items)
Topic: incremental development (74 items)
Topic: mental models, consistency, and interface metaphors (49 items)
Topic: modes in a user interface (40 items)
Topic: non-constraining system (25 items)
Topic: novice users and the UserInterface (25 items)
Topic: problems with usability testing (16 items)
Topic: spatial metaphor in user interfaces (33 items)
Topic: step-by-step dialog (3 items)
Topic: task communication (49 items)
Topic: user-centered design
(65 items)

Updated barberCB 7/05
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