ThesaHelp: references i-l
ThesaHelp: ACM references f-l
Topic: identifying the user interface with the system
Topic: user interface design
Topic: vivid representation of programs
Topic: text editing
Topic: selecting command names for a user interface
Topic: examples of usability studies
Group: testing and evaluating user interfaces
Topic: user-centered design
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Ledgard, H., Whiteside, J.A., Singer, A., Seymour, W.,
"The natural language of interactive systems.",
Communications of the ACM, 23, 10, pp. 556-563, October 1980.
QuoteRef: ledgH_1981
556 ;;Quote: an interactive system should be based on descriptive everyday words and legitimate English phrases; many don't
| 561 ;;Quote: English phrases better than notations for controlling an editor; on all measures, e.g., nearly half the mistakes
| 561 ;;Quote: most users preferred the English editor over the notational; no preference at the beginning of the experiment
| 563 ;;Quote: for interactive software, should pay attention to the needs and preferences of users; simple changes can improve the product
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