24 ;;Quote: presented a user's guide in annotated form to illuminate design principles and explain the motivations
49 ;;Quote: an editor should be an integral part of a programming environment; full access to system from editor and vice versa
49+;;Quote: editing accounts for more than half of an average user's work
49+;;Quote: during program development often switch between editing and other tasks
102 ;;Quote: better performance when editing commands were English phrases instead of notations; novice and expert
102 ;;Quote: users make no distinction between syntax and semantics; surprised that notational editor and English phrase editor were the same
102+;;Quote: for users, the editing power or function was the same as the command's appearance; syntax is semantics
105 ;;Quote: demonstrated user testing by an historical diary of the experiment
115 ;;Quote: noise in user testing is the most difficult of all problems; must be eliminated by design
117 ;;Quote: English phrase editor better than notational editor at 0.001 confidence level with 24 subjects
117+;;Quote: a statistical result is stronger if fewer subjects yielded a given confidence level
117 ;;Quote: for user testing, found that on-the-spot recruiting was better than schedules; otherwise many subjects never report
123 ;;Quote: troubles in teaching an editor through a manual; users need to ask questions of another person
127 ;;Quote: pretesting is a powerful aid in designing an experiment that uses subjects
142 ;;Quote: in user testing, the experimenter should teach subjects about the editor; otherwise takes too long to learn correctly
175 ;;Quote: a null result from an experiment should always be questioned; could be due to noise in the experiment