ThesaHelp: references e-f
Topic: error safe systems
Topic: function library
Topic: error messages
Topic: weak vs. strong type checking
Topic: constraints
Topic: data types are not needed
Topic: extensible languages
Topic: generic operations and polymorphism
Topic: function signature
Group: derived data types
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Frick, a., Goos, G., Neumann, R., Zimmermann, W.,
"Construction of robust class hierarchies",
Software--Practice and Experience, 30, 5, pp. 481-543, April 25, 2000.
481 ;;Quote: a robust library expresses constraints as types, reports errors relative to user, and does not cause application errors
| 482 ;;Quote: a library should be flexible, allow polymorphic classes, efficient, and extensible without invalidating existing programs
| 485 ;;Quote: use SAME to indicate derived types in method signatures
| 501 ;;Quote: use immutable classes to convert a non-polymorphic specialization hierarchy into a polymorphic hierarchy; quadratic cost
| 504 ;;Quote: use factorization to convert a non-polymorphic specialization hierarchy into a polymorphic hierarchy; lose extensibility due to missing methods
| 519 ;;Quote: difficult to build specialization hierarchies; must offer all solutions; can generate hierarchies from short specifications
Related Topics
ThesaHelp: references e-f (168 items)
Topic: error safe systems (75 items)
Topic: function library (50 items)
Topic: error messages (37 items)
Topic: weak vs. strong type checking (39 items)
Topic: constraints (35 items)
Topic: data types are not needed (8 items)
Topic: extensible languages (69 items)
Topic: generic operations and polymorphism (65 items)
Topic: function signature (21 items)
Group: derived data types (9 topics, 119 quotes)