ThesaHelp: references e-f
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Topic: using a computer as a communication/information medium
Topic: localized understanding
Topic: information retrieval with an index
Topic: searching the Web
Topic: decision table
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Topic: information retrieval by following links
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Topic: information retrieval by searching
Topic: thesaurus and information retrieval
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Furnas, G.W.,
"Effective view navigation",
Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI 97 Conference Proceedings, ACM SIGCHI, March 1997, pp. 367-374.
abstract ;;Quote: for effective view navigation: views must be small, navigation should not require too many steps, and the path to a target must be discoverable
| 367 ;;Quote: even though the World Wide Web was built on the idea of links, global navigation has been replaced by search engines
| 368 ;;Quote: the small views requirement: the number of links from a node must be small compared to the total size of the viewing graph
| 368 ;;Quote: short paths requirement: the number of links between pairs of nodes must be small compared to the size of the viewing graph
| 369 ;;Quote: a table improves view traversability because the neighborhoods are constant size and the diameter of the graph is the square root of its total size
| 371 ;;Quote: navigability requirement: a link is well-matched for a target if it is not misleading and if the target has a least one inferred-to link
| 371 ;;Quote: residue requirement: a link must describe not just the next node, but the whole to-set accessible via the link; difficult to achieve
| 372 ;;Quote: a hierarchy provides well-matched links with good residue throughout the structure; for example, 'Cat' is part of 'the rest' link from the 'Maple' node
| 373 ;;Quote: can organize navigable structures by similarity; but all similarity is local without good-residue of things far away
| 374 ;;Quote: query-initiated browsing -- locally navigate within a neighborhood; allows for localized similarity
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