ThesaHelp: references e-f
Topic: PID control loop
Topic: digital simulation of analog
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Fishbeck, J.,
"Writing P-I-D control loops easily in BASIC",
Control Engineering, 25, 10, pp. 45-47, October 1978.
45 ;;Quote: in proportional control, the change in output is proportional to the error (measurement-setpoint)
| 45 ;;Quote: a digital controller repeats sufficiently often to model a continuous-acting analog controller
| 45 ;;Quote: a controller may include a deadband which prevents changes for small errors
| 46 ;;Quote: in a PID loop, the integral (reset) changes the base level of the output when a setpoint or load changes
| 46 ;;Quote: in a PID control loop, the derivative (rate/pre-act) is the rate of change of output due to the rate of change of error
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ThesaHelp: references e-f (168 items)
Topic: PID control loop (5 items)
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