ThesaHelp: references e-f
Topic: execution profile
Topic: search algorithms
Topic: algorithmic complexity analysis
Topic: efficiency
Topic: handling complexity
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Fenwick, P.,
"Some perils of performance prediction: a case study on pattern matching",
Software--Practice and Experience, 31, 9, July 25, 2001, pp. 835-843.
837 ;;Quote: for search, speed and character comparisons may not be related; e.g., diagram search is 386x better by comparisons and 240x to 13x better by speed
| 843 ;;Quote: speed varies widely across test data, computers, compilers, and optimization level; simple measures such as comparisons may be ineffectual
| 843+;;Quote: simple algorithms often faster because easily optimized and good cache performance
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ThesaHelp: references e-f (168 items)
Topic: execution profile (42 items)
Topic: search algorithms (40 items)
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