ThesaHelp: references e-f
Topic: range data type
Topic: replacement as moving information
Topic: associative memory
Topic: data structure literals
Topic: non-exclusive data type
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Flon, L.,
"A survey of some issues concerning abstract data types", Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Carnegie-Mellon, AFOSR-TR-75-0136, September 1974.
Other Reference
NTIS AD-A015 843, AD-A004 337
7 ;;Quote: a data type is a predicate over an infinite set
| QuoteRef: flonL9_1974 ;;8 structures which associatively indexed (eg MUMPS)
| QuoteRef: flonL9_1974 ;;8 a type range of reals with fixed step size
| QuoteRef: flonL9_1974 ;;8 initialization and constant records eg (name: "Joe". age=23)
| QuoteRef: flonL9_1974 ;;39 should allow assignment by copying or by sharing
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