ThesaHelp: references e-f
Topic: physics
Topic: science as measurement
Topic: quantum mechanics
Topic: discrete vs. continuous
Group: philosophy of science
Topic: empirical truth
Topic: what is truth
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Einstein, A.,
"The fundaments of theoretical physics",
Science, May 24, 1940.
Other Reference
p. 323-335, Einstein, A., Ideas and Opinions, Bargmann, S. (translator) New York, Wings Books, 1954
324 ;;Quote: physics is those sciences expressible in mathematical terms and measurements; wide application
| 331 ;;Quote: atomistic phenomena occurs in discrete states and discontinuous transitions; like stationary waves in an organ pipe or vibrating string (de Broglie)
| 334 ;;Quote: cannot abandon, actually and forever, the idea of direct representation of physical reality; nor believe that events in nature behave as a game of chance
| 334+;;Quote: the search for truth is more precious than its possession
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