
Quote: slide rule for metal cutting speed and feed; 12 variables derived from 30,000 to 50,000 experiments

topics > all references > references t-z > QuoteRef: taylRW_1911 , p. 104

managing people


The development of the art or science of cutting metals is an apt illustration ...[p. 105] Experiments in this field were carried on, with occasional interruption, through a period of about 26 years [p. 106] ... Between 30,000 and 50,000 experiments were carefully recorded... more than 800,000 pounds of steel and iron was cut up into chips with the experimental tools ... In order to do the work in the quickest time, At what cutting speed shall I run my machine? and What feed shall I use? ... [p. 107] Each of the twelve following variables has an important effect upon the answer. For example, after the first variable (A) we quote, "The proportion is as 1 in the case of semi-hardened steel or chilled iron to 100 in the case of a very soft, low-carbon steel." ... [p. 110] but ... it was manifestly impossible to solve a problem containing twelve variables in any other way than by the slow process of "trial and error." ... [p. 111] By means of this slide rule, one of these intricate problems can be solved in less than a half a minute by any good mechanic, whether he understands anything about mathematics or not, thus making available for every-day, practical use the years of experimenting on the art of cutting metals.   Google-1   Google-2

Published before 1923

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