Group: psychology
Group: natural language
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14. It is the nature almost of every corporal thing, being often moved in one and same manner, to receive continually a greater and greater easiness and aptitude to the same motion, insomuch as in time the same becometh so habitual, that, to beget it, there needs no more than to begin it. The passions of man, as they are the beginning of voluntary motions; so are they the beginning of speech, which is the motion of the tongue. And men desiring to shew others the knowledge, opinions, conceptions, and passions which are in themselves, and to that end having invented language
Published before 1923
Additional Titles
Quote: language is a habit of speech, initiated by the passions, to share knowledge, opinions, and passions
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Group: psychology (9 topics, 307 quotes)
Group: natural language (16 topics, 539 quotes)