
Topic: execution with program stubs

topics > computer science > programming > Group: testing

requirement specification
executable code from specifications and designs
incremental development
incremental execution
incremental testing


In design, particularly top-down design, a program may be tested after partial specification. The designer wants to try out his design before fully implementing his programs. He can partially execute already completed programs by defining program stubs for unimplemented procedures or by prompting the user for unimplemented results. The goal of partial execution is an incomplete but working system. Often this goal can be better satisfied by independent sub-systems tied together in a user interface. Program stubs are useful for managing large-scale software development. (cbb 5/80)
Subtopic: program stubs up

Quote: with TOPD's design notation can specify a model for unimplemented parts; execution checks for consistency [»hendP9_1975]
QuoteRef: snowRA_1973 ;;Pearl allows partial execution of a partially specified program
Quote: in top-down design, a proper top can execute early in development; allows iterative process of code, integrate, and test
[»millHD_1979] no ref ;;Mills 71: debug higher level programs by user supplied program stubs for undefined components

Subtopic: prompt user for stubs up

QuoteRef: smitDC6_1975 ;;88 don't have to specify all paths-- if path unspecified at execution time then machine prompts user for more info
QuoteRef: sammJE_1969 ;;244 user talked through command if it is incomplete

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Updated barberCB 5/04
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