
Topic: elements

topics > Group: philosophy

abstraction by common attributes
atoms and molecules
boolean values, binary numbers, and bit strings
continuum in mathematics
infinity and infinitesimal
metaphysics and epistemology
objects as a set of attributes
set definition by extension or intension
what is a number
what is truth


Elements are the primitive components or abstractions of a system. They are not analyzed further. Elements may be combined into more complex things. For example, atoms of hydrogen and oxygen combine to form water, while phonemes of speech combine to form syllables, words, and sentences.

The elements of meaning are elusive. Meaning derives from abstractions, simularities, and relationships; it continually evolves. Are numbers the elements of meaning? (cbb 6/06)

Subtopic: element as primitive up

Quote: elements can not be analyzed further; e.g., a syllable of speech; if divided, its parts are the same as in water [»aris_322a]
Quote: elements are unknowable; while complexes are knowable and explicable via written letters
Quote: the elements are of eternal stuff, linked with bonds of different strengths; unless a strong enough force encounters it, a thing stays safely as it was [»lucr_55]
Quote: nothing turns to nothing; all things decompose back to the elemental particles from which they arose
Quote: it is faster to break something down than to make it again; so there must be a limit, allowing each thing to be made anew [»lucr_55]

Subtopic: combination of elements up

Quote: many things have common elements; as words share letters [»lucr_55]
Quote: the most elementary things form other things by combination; minute-particled and the subtlest of bodies [»aris_322a]
Quote: elements have only a name; combine names into descriptions of complex things [»plat_368]
Quote: the most elementary things form other things by combination; minute-particled and the subtlest of bodies [»aris_322a]

Subtopic: knowledge of elements up

Quote: knowledge of the elements in a complex is clearer and more effective than knowing the complex without knowing its elements [»plat_368]

Subtopic: knowledge as interconnected elements up

Quote: a poor way to form concepts is through a list of characteristics; instead the elements of a definition are richly interconnected [»fregG_1884]

Subtopic: physical elements up

Quote: wood is a fossil of a tree, iron is a fossil of a thermonuclear reaction, elementary particles are fossils of the big bang [»ferrT9_1982]

Subtopic: elements of language up

Quote: the connotation of an element is the set of similarities noted by hearers of the language about its semantic regularities in the language [»ziffP_1960]
Quote: what a speaker means and what an element connotes to a hearer admit of enormous latitude [»ziffP_1960]
Quote: determine if an element has a meaning by its distributive set and contrastive set in the corpus [»ziffP_1960]
Quote: a 'notion' is an element of the content of a person's attitude given by a that-clause; a that-clause 'ascribes' 'attributions' (attitudes and notions) [»burgT_1979]

Subtopic: geometric elements up

Quote: a line is a sequence of elements such that each cannot be distinguished from its predecessor [»poinH_1902, OK]

Subtopic: abstraction as element up

Quote: using an abstraction is same as using a basic element; but within abstraction have full power of the language [»hehnEC_1977a, OK]

Subtopic: number as element up

Quote: Pythagoreans saw numbers as the primary natures, the elements of all things; including justice, soul, mind, musical modes, relations, heaven [»aris_322a]

Subtopic: elements not important up

Quote: any definition is divisible
Quote: deal with all elements of a set via the set's definition and not the elements themselves [»dijkEW12_1989]
Quote: with Bongard problems, context determines the objects; objects do not exist independent of their understanding

Related Topics up

Topic: abstraction by common attributes (19 items)
Topic: atoms and molecules (57 items)
Topic: boolean values, binary numbers, and bit strings (44 items)
Topic: continuum in mathematics (7 items)
Topic: entities (20 items)
Topic: geometry (33 items)
Topic: infinity and infinitesimal (37 items)
Topic: metaphysics and epistemology (99 items)
Topic: objects as a set of attributes (39 items)
Topic: set definition by extension or intension (18 items)
Topic: units (23 items)
Topic: what is a number (55 items)
Topic: what is truth
(67 items)

Updated barberCB 2/06
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