Topic: abbreviated input
Topic: keystroke shortcuts as a UserInterface
Topic: gestural interfaces and marker menus
Topic: keyboard design
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Subtopic: stylus-based systems -- unistrokes, graffiti, quikwriting
Quote: use unistrokes for stylus-based touch typing; learned quickly, faster than printing, fewer errors, no eyes needed [»goldD4_1993]
| Quote: Graffiti is similar to a keyboard; 97% accuracy after five minutes of practice; 97% accuracy after one week lapse [»mackIS5_1997]
| Quote: Quikwriting is a cursive shorthand based on a pie chart; three times faster than Graffiti; easily learned [»perlK11_1998]
Related Topics
Topic: abbreviated input (10 items)
Topic: keystroke shortcuts as a UserInterface (22 items)
Topic: gestural interfaces and marker menus (21 items)
Topic: keyboard design (4 items)