
Topic: history of mathematics

topics > Group: mathematics

philosophy of mathematics
history of computers
history of programming
history of science
what is a number
Subtopic: theory vs. practice up

Quote: physicists do Babylonian mathematics because different formulations of the same law give different clues for related laws [»feynR_1965]

Subtopic: nature as theory up

Quote: da Vinci--a bird is an instrument working according to mathematical law; man can reproduce all of its movements [»daviL_1505]
Quote: construct a Universal Character by assigning symbols for simple notions and compose these symbols for everything else; like logic and mathematics [»sparK7_1972]

Subtopic: mathematical physics up

Quote: Galileo depended on the Euclidean theory of proportion for the application of mathematics to physics

Subtopic: algorithm up

Quote: most engineering and scientific problems consist of initiate, perform, communicate result with optional repetition until acceptable [»perlAJ4_1957]
Quote: Pingala (before 200 B.C.) gives an algorithm for computing the total number of arrangements of two things in n places
Quote: ancient Babylonian algorithms from 1800-1600 B.C.; "This is the procedure"; no branching [»knutDE7_1972]
Quote: first description of an algorithm for computing the cube-root [»dattB_1935]
Quote: Aryabhata (499) gave a solution for quadratic equations. Here is a sample problem [»dattB_1935]
Quote: Al-Khowarizmi's examples repeatedly occur in mathematical literature [»alkhMM_825, OK]

Subtopic: number up

Quote: Babylonian astronomers used a sign for zero; about 311 BCE [»ifraG_2000]
Quote: positional notation independently discovered by Babylonians, Chinese, Mayan, and Indians [»ifraG_2000]
Quote: in India, the knowledge of fractions can be traced to very early times [»dattB_1935]
Quote: example of an Indian number using zero; sixth century [»ifraG_2000]
Quote: Sanskrit possessed names for all powers of ten up to 10^8, and by 300 CE, 10^17; used the names to mark position [»ifraG_2000]
Quote: In 628, Brahmagupta defined zero as the subtraction of a number by itself and listed its properties; a number multiplied by zero becomes zero [»ifraG_2000]

Subtopic: arithmetic up

Quote: early representation of division with remainder; tablet from 2650 BCE [»ifraG_2000]
QuoteRef: dattB_1935 ;;History of Hindu Mathematics: a source book, part 1, numeral notation and arithmetic
QuoteRef: leon_1202 ;;Liber abaci
Quote: Leonardo wrote a voluminous compendium of Arabic arithmetic and mercantile practice; includes the Fibonacci series [»leon_1202]
Quote: Al-Khowarizmi introduction to calculation by completion and reduction; useful in inheritance, law-suits, trade, digging canals, etc. [»alkhMM_825, OK]
Quote: description of early, Indian instruction in arithmetic: memorized problems and solutions; calculated by writing in dust spread on a board [»dattB_1935]
Quote: all arithmetical operations resolve to increase and decrease, i.e., addition and subtraction [»dattB_1935]
Quote: the Hindus admired the Rule of Three for its simple and universal solution of proportion problems [»dattB_1935]

Subtopic: algebra up

Quote: the product of 10-x and 10+x is 100-x^2 [»alkhMM_825, OK]
Quote: example of solving a quadratic equation [»alkhMM_825, OK]
Quote: solving a proportional equation with one unknown [»alkhMM_825, OK]
Quote: another example of solving a quadratic equation [»alkhMM_825, OK]
Quote: the roots of a quadratic equation depend on b^2-4ac
Quote: algebraic ideas appeared independently in Egypt, Babylon, China, Greece, and India [»alkhMM_825, OK]
Quote: the oldest mathematical text book contains first degree equations; Egyptian papyrus from about 1700 B.C. [»alkhMM_825, OK]
Quote: Viete introduced "analytics" and the use of letters in the theory of equations; e.g., x^2+ax+b=0 [»vietF_1591]
QuoteRef: vietF_1591 ;;In artem analyticem isagoge
Quote: mathematical analysis uses the art and rules of logic to obtain equations of species (e.g., 'x') instead of numbers [»vietF_1591]
Quote: rules of arithmetic for calculation by species or forms of things, as, for instance, the letters of the alphabet [»vietF_1591]

Subtopic: grammar up

Quote: Panini's mathematical grammar described the language as spoken, concisely defined by enumerations and rules; transmitted orally; transform from syntactic relationship to phonemic realization [»misrVN_1966]
Quote: Panini stood at the culmination point of a rich grammatical tradition; 7th-4th century B.C.; replaced the old systems [»misrVN_1966]

Subtopic: logic up

Quote: Peirce's system of existential graphs visually displayed an assertion and its logical structure [»lehmF12_1988]
Quote: Begriffschrift introduced truth-functional propositional calculus, functions instead of subject/predicate, quantification, derivational forms, and a definition of sequence [»fregG_1879]
QuoteRef: fregG_1879 ;;Begriffschrift, a formula language, modeled upon that of arithmetic, for pure thought

Subtopic: calculus up

Quote: Leibniz developed differential and integral calculus [»struDJ_1967]
Quote: Babbage introduced Cambridge to Leibniz's calculus in preference to Newton's calculus
Quote: Leibniz's infinitesimal calculus was independent of what differentials actually are; avoids metaphysical disputes [»kramS2_1996]

Subtopic: number theory up

Quote: Peano's axioms for number concern 0, unique successors, and induction [»russB_1919, OK]

Subtopic: vector equations up

Quote: Maxwell developed his theory in cartesian coordinates and promoted the use of quaternion or vector equations

Subtopic: large numbers up

Quote: India used immense numbers from ancient times; for example, the Hindus used 18 denominations and in the Lalitavistara, tallaksana is 10^53 [»dattB_1935]
Quote: some of the numbers named by Archimedes exceed the grains of sand that would fill the universe [»arch_287]

Subtopic: zero up

Quote: example of an Indian number using zero; sixth century [»ifraG_2000]
Quote: Babylonian astronomers used a sign for zero; about 311 BCE [»ifraG_2000]
Quote: the Hindus define zero as the result of a-a [»dattB_1935]
Quote: the earliest known use of the zero symbol is by Pingala (before 200 B.C.) [»dattB_1935]
Quote: In 628, Brahmagupta defined zero as the subtraction of a number by itself and listed its properties; a number multiplied by zero becomes zero [»ifraG_2000]
Quote: Bhaskara II (1150): in a/0 there is no alteration, as no change takes place in the infinite and immutable God [»dattB_1935]

Subtopic: notation up

Quote: any number can be written with the nine digits from India and zero from Arabic [»leon_1202]
Quote: mathematical notation had a long and painful evolution [»falkAD8_1978]
Quote: development of math notation: variable names, functions, symbol lists, numeric rep, vectors/etc. as entities, quantity vs. representation [»falkAD8_1978, OK]
Quote: India has a place-value system of word numerals; 1 is anything markedly unique, e.g., the moon, the earth; 0 is denoted by words meaning void, sky, complete; still used today

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Updated barberCB 11/05
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