Quote: data and operations are the warp and weft of experience; state and process descriptions; e.g., integer and boolean have identical bit strings [»brinP_1973]
Quote: a concrete type or value type is like an 'int'; it does one thing well and efficiently without inheritance; e.g., 'date' [»koenA12_1995]
Quote: a 'hard' type is defined by the language with a representation, associated operations and values [»moffDV7_1981]
Quote: a data type indicates how something is measured, its set of possible values, and its set of possible operations [»handP_1981]
Quote: a data type is a set of values operated on by a set of operations [»berrDM4_1977]
Quote: in Algol languages, data types are sets of operations with an interpretation of values
Quote: in Russell, the meaning of a data type is the meaning of its operations over the universal domain of bit strings [»demeA_1978]
Quote: a data type is a set of operations specifying an interpretation of values of a universal value space [»demeA_1978]
Quote: data types interpret values of a universal space where any operation can apply to any value
Quote: an abstract data type is a representation type and a set of operations [»johnRI3_1976]
Quote: a data type is a set of data structures for discussing a set of operations on objects of that type [»scotD6_1972]
Quote: a programmer sees types as partitioning values into classes with common attributes and operations [»wegnP10_1986]
Quote: IBM 360 cells contain a value; arrays contain an ordered set of cells; operations are a mapping from operands to results [»wirtN1_1968]