ThesaHelp: references i-l
Topic: primitive data type as memory
Topic: pointers to data
Topic: dynamic vs. static data type
Topic: efficiency
Group: code generation
Topic: generic operations and polymorphism
Topic: data type as a set of values and a set of operations
Topic: types of object-oriented classes
Topic: user-defined data type
Topic: type parameter
Topic: iterator
Group: type inheritance
Topic: separate a module's interface specification from its implementation
Topic: consistency testing
Topic: updating information in a distributed system
Topic: database consistency and reliability
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Koenig, A., Stroustrup, B.,
"Foundations for native C++ styles",
Software--Practice and Experience, 25, S4 , pp. 45-86, December 1995.
46 ;;Quote: a fundamental property of successful computers is that memory is a sequence of words or bytes, addressed by integers
| 46 ;;Quote: code generation is inefficient for languages whose semantics are not close to the bytes-and-pointers model; often 3 to 10 times slower, especially with dynamic typing
| 53 ;;Quote: for operator overloading, assignment, equality, subscripting, and function call are more important than addition and subtraction
| 53 ;;Quote: a concrete type or value type is like an 'int'; it does one thing well and efficiently without inheritance; e.g., 'date'
| 56 ;;Quote: to define vectors: vector is distinct from vector, constructed by a library, with v[i], and destruction when done
62 ;;Quote: types of iterators: input or read-only, output or write-only, forward iterator or read-write, and random access
| 67 ;;Quote: use inheritance to isolate users from changes in the implementations of derived classes; e.g., use 'ival_box' to prompt user for an integer value
| 71 ;;Quote: keeping two related, but different sets of data is asking for trouble; sooner or later someone will get them out of sync
| 71+;;Quote: a protected interface should contain functions, types, and constants only; otherwise programmers will mess with protected data and cause maintenance problems
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ThesaHelp: references i-l (342 items)
Topic: primitive data type as memory (29 items)
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Topic: dynamic vs. static data type (19 items)
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Group: code generation (30 topics, 585 quotes)
Topic: generic operations and polymorphism (65 items)
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Topic: types of object-oriented classes (18 items)
Topic: user-defined data type (13 items)
Topic: type parameter (34 items)
Topic: iterator (13 items)
Group: type inheritance (13 topics, 391 quotes)
Topic: separate a module's interface specification from its implementation (86 items)
Topic: consistency testing (60 items)
Topic: updating information in a distributed system (50 items)
Topic: database consistency and reliability (15 items)