
Topic: types of object-oriented classes

topics > computer science > programming > Group: object-oriented programming

type inheritance

abstract data type
abstract functions
collection class
design pattern
inheritance of properties
interface type
object-oriented classes
object-oriented data types
object-oriented design
object-oriented prototypes
opaque and partially-opaque data types
optimization of object-oriented programs
user-defined data type
value as an object

Subtopic: generic class up

Quote: Eiffel's generic classes have type parameters; can restrict a type parameter to descendants of a given class [»meyeB9_1990]

Subtopic: hierarchical class up

Quote: use derived classes to express hierarchical relationships; i.e., commonality between classes

Subtopic: concrete/value type up

Quote: use concrete types for efficiency and abstract types for flexibility; neither are useful for inheritance [»stroB_1991]
Quote: a concrete type or value type is like an 'int'; it does one thing well and efficiently without inheritance; e.g., 'date' [»koenA12_1995]
Quote: a concrete type such as 'date' is closely matched to an efficient, complete implementation without dependencies on other classes [»stroB_1991]
Quote: concrete types do not express commonality of concepts; e.g., a 'set' is not a concrete type because it may be an 'slist' or a 'vector' with different performance characteristics

Subtopic: interface class up

Quote: an interface class specializes the appearance of some service. Need not generate code, e.g., a template for a type-safe list from a list of 'void*' pointers [»stroB_1991]
Quote: use inline functions to make interface classes affordable; e.g., an inline forwarding function that adjusts the type without generating additional code [»stroB_1991]

Subtopic: type handle up

Quote: CLR objects include vtable pointers for method dispatch and simple type handles [»kennA6_2001]

Subtopic: fat interface up

Quote: a fat interface is a class that provides all functions for a set of concepts, e.g., a universal 'container' class [»stroB_1991]
Quote: avoid fat interfaces: slow implementation, difficult to prove, weak correspondence between concepts and classes, encourages the use of derivation for implementation convenience
Quote: the classes in an application framework have fat interfaces that are hardly types in the traditional sense

Subtopic: node class up

Quote: a node class belongs to a type hierarchy. It provides an interface and services. It relies on base classes [»stroB_1991]
Quote: a node class usually has a non-trivial constructor; unlike abstract types that rarely have constructors

Subtopic: enumeration class up

Quote: declare classes for enumerations and enumeration constants, with objects for enumeration values [»linsC7_1990]

Subtopic: canonical form up

Quote: orthodox canonical form provides default constructor/destructor, copy constructor, and assignment; allows reliable copy and delete of heap memory [»simoAJ10_1998]

Subtopic: anonymous inner class up

Quote: anonymous inner classes implement closures; e.g., makeAdder(n) [»bensBW2_1999]

Subtopic: exceptions up

Quote: the most natural way to describe exceptions is to throw objects and catch classes; a copy of the object thrown is passed to the handler [»koenA_1990]

Related Topics up

Group: type inheritance   (13 topics, 394 quotes)

Topic: abstract data type (64 items)
Topic: abstract functions (11 items)
Topic: collection class (11 items)
Topic: design pattern (17 items)
Topic: inheritance of properties (24 items)
Topic: interface type (50 items)
Topic: object-oriented classes (67 items)
Topic: object-oriented data types (29 items)
Topic: object-oriented design (30 items)
Topic: object-oriented prototypes (39 items)
Topic: opaque and partially-opaque data types (14 items)
Topic: optimization of object-oriented programs (16 items)
Topic: user-defined data type (13 items)
Topic: value as an object
(29 items)

Updated barberCB 3/06
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