
Topic: Kolmorgorov and algorithmic complexity

topics > Group: mathematics

algorithmic complexity analysis
chaotic behavior
handling complexity
Subtopic: algorithmic complexity up

Quote: a random, finite binary sequence is one that requires a program at least as long as for any other sequence of the same length [»chaiGJ_1966]
Quote: most binary sequences require programs of the same size; the number generated by smaller programs decreases exponentially; gives proof [»chaiGJ_1970]
Quote: only about one in a 1,000 series of digits can be computed by a program that is 10 digits smaller than the series [»chaiGJ5_1975]

Subtopic: incompressible up

Quote: something is random iff it is incompressible [»chaiGJ_2001]
Quote: protein is incompressible; prior context does not improve compression; perhaps due to random mutation or compact representation
Quote: the fastest way to calculate a infinite subset of a perfect, infinite set of numbers is to calculate the whole set; such sets exist [»chaiGJ_1970]

Subtopic: random up

Quote: random sequences are those that require the longest programs; not random if generated by a short program [»chaiGJ_1970]
Quote: to prove that a particular series of digits is random must prove that there is no small program for it; probably impossible [»chaiGJ5_1975]

Subtopic: complicated up

Quote: an object is complicated if its description is necessarily long [»raatP_1998]

Subtopic: not information up

Quote: the length of a sentence and its information content are unrelated; algorithmic information theory does not explain information

Related Topics up

Topic: algorithmic complexity analysis (10 items)
Topic: chaotic behavior (27 items)
Topic: handling complexity (60 items)
Topic: randomness
(20 items)

Updated barberCB 6/06
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