
Topic: evaluate operator

topics > computer science > programming > Group: expression evaluation

procedure and type-valued variables

function application
function call
is a name a literal string or a symbol
string transformation languages


Normally, processing consists of syntactic analysis followed by execution, but execution may be interrupted by syntactic analysis and evaluation of literal strings. Evaluate operators are a form of indirection, delaying procedure execution. The evaluated string or object is interpreted code. With procedure valued variables, the evaluate operator is equivalent to procedure invocation. Function calls act as an evaluate operator on their arguments. In Trac, all evaluation is explicitly controlled by either single step evaluation or active string results. (cbb 5/80)
Subtopic: evaluate variables up

QuoteRef: farbDJ1_1964 ;;27 indirect variable is as if wrote the contents of a variable
QuoteRef: sammJE_1969 ;;441 indirection eg $route is same as value of route

Subtopic: evaluate expressions up

QuoteRef: sammJE_1969 ;;498 uses 'name' or 'function' to indicate evaluation
QuoteRef: morrJH8_1972 ;;757 evaluation of literals by T <>, function definition

Subtopic: active vs. inactive results up

QuoteRef: hallJC5_1974 ;;47 can use value of expression as directive (indirection) by *
Quote: TRAC converts active strings to inactive ones; ##(...) has an inactive result and #(...) an active result [»mooeCN8_1965, OK]

Subtopic: quoted data up

Quote: data objects in Boxer are unevaluated; like quote in Lisp but not stripped on evaluation [»diseAA_1986]

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(17 items)

Updated barberCB 5/04
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