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Topic: command-line as a UserInterface
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Topic: string transformation languages
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Mooers, C.N.,
"TRAC, a text handling language",
Proceedings of the ACM 20th National Conference, pp. 229-246, August 1965.
Other Reference
related article: Comm. of the ACM 9.3:215-219 March 1966
QuoteRef: mooeCN8_1965 ;;237 nesting functions each returning a value or a null to replace the function
| 237 ;;Quote: main loop of TRAC is #(ps,#(rs)), i.e., read string/print string
| 237+;;Quote: example of defining a new command in TRAC: #(ds,aa,the rat)
| 239 ;;Quote: TRAC converts active strings to inactive ones; ##(...) has an inactive result and #(...) an active result
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