ThesaHelp: references m-o
Topic: quantum electrodynamics
Topic: electromagnetic field
Topic: quantum mechanics
Topic: electricity and magnetism
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Mead, C.A.,
"Collective electrodynamics I",
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 94 [Physics], pp. 6013-6018, June 1997.
Other Reference
page numbers from p. 29-43 in Hey, A.J.G. (ed), Feynman and Computation, Reading Massachusetts: Perseus Books, 1999.
abstract ;;Quote: derive standard results of electromagnetic theory from macroscopic quantum systems; without Maxwell's equations, traditional quantum formalisms, or correspondence limits
| 30 ;;Quote: superconductors provide direct access to the quantum nature of matter
| 30+;;Quote: a superconductor is in a coherent state of the collective interaction of free electrons; each electron depends on the states of the entire ensemble
| 30+;;Quote: with superconductors, understand quantum effects via waves
| 31 ;;Quote: use a loop for superconductor model of quantum effects; ends are either shorted or insolated; persistent current if shorted
| 33 ;;Quote: quantization occurs because the phase must match at both ends of a closed, superconducting loop
| 36 ;;Quote: the vector potential of quantum mechanics is a bookkeeping device to evaluate the effect of all currents on a point
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