ThesaHelp: references sa-sz
Topic: debugger
Topic: examples of programming environments
Topic: document-centered system
Topic: windows for a UserInterface
Topic: modes in a user interface
Topic: mental models, consistency, and interface metaphors
Topic: mouse buttons
Topic: tiled vs. overlapping windows
Topic: user interface tool kits
Topic: procedure valued variables
Topic: forms as a UserInterface
Topic: selecting text with a mouse
Topic: object-oriented objects
Topic: primitive data types for Thesa
Topic: extensible languages
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Sweet, R.E.,
"The Mesa programming environment",
SIGPLAN, 20, 7, pp. 216-229, July 1985.
217 ;;Quote: Mesa programmers do most of their development inside the world-swap debugger
| 218 ;;Quote: users should never be forced to interact with only one tool
| 218 ;;Quote: Mesa tools should receive requests from the user interface instead of defining the user interface
| 218 ;;Quote: Mesa tools should not make assumptions about the size and position of its windows
| 218 ;;Quote: law of least astonishment: Mesa's user interface should create a consistent user illusion which allows correct predictions for using new tools
| 218 ;;Quote: can emulate a middle mouse button by chording both buttons of a two button mouse
| 219 ;;Quote: a window may have overlapping subwindows; subwindows clipped to their parent's dimensions
| 219 ;;Quote: Mesa's user interface Tajo allows programs to register adjust, wakeup, and sleep procedures with a window
| 219 ;;Quote: a form subwindow is used for interaction with a tool: fields, choices (includes menus), and buttons
| 220 ;;Quote: when selecting with a mouse, track the selection on button down, and commit on button up
| 220+;;Quote: select with point and adjust mouse buttons; point selects characters, words, lines while adjust changes a selection
| 227 ;;Quote: most abstractions in XDE were objects represented by a record with procedure variables to implement its operations
| 227 ;;Quote: a private procedure for a procedure variable may call standard procedures; used for extensions and experimentation
Related Topics
ThesaHelp: references sa-sz (237 items)
Topic: debugger (37 items)
Topic: examples of programming environments (17 items)
Topic: document-centered system (12 items)
Topic: windows for a UserInterface (21 items)
Topic: modes in a user interface (40 items)
Topic: mental models, consistency, and interface metaphors (49 items)
Topic: mouse buttons (12 items)
Topic: tiled vs. overlapping windows (21 items)
Topic: user interface tool kits (31 items)
Topic: procedure valued variables (34 items)
Topic: forms as a UserInterface (11 items)
Topic: selecting text with a mouse (14 items)
Topic: object-oriented objects (36 items)
Topic: primitive data types for Thesa (82 items)
Topic: extensible languages (69 items)