
Topic: mouse buttons

topics > computer science > user interface > Group: graphical user interface

keystroke shortcuts as a UserInterface
dial as a user interface
menus for a UserInterface
modes in a user interface
mouse as the user interface
selecting with a mouse
Subtopic: point-and-click up

Quote: point-and-click is 90% of a user's interaction with KMS; twice as fast as menu selection [»akscRM7_1988a]

Subtopic: menus on button-down up

Quote: if mouse used with Smalltalk, then menus are hidden until a button is pressed; command executed on releasing the button [»teslL8_1981]

Subtopic: context-sensitive mouse up

Quote: KMS has a context sensitive mouse with button labels attached to the cursor [»akscRM7_1988a]
Quote: button labels for a mouse used by novices to learn a system and by experts subliminally
Quote: Pygmalion uses a three button mouse that depends on context; for cursor positioning and moving values [»smitDC6_1975, OK]

Subtopic: two vs. three buttons up

Quote: Star uses a two button mouse instead of three; increased consistency and simpler semantics [»smitDC4_1982]
Quote: can emulate a middle mouse button by chording both buttons of a two button mouse [»sweeRE7_1985]

Subtopic: two-button mouse up

Quote: SELECT mouse button for selecting objects and ADJUST mouse button for broadening or narrowing the selection [»smitDC_1982]
Quote: the right mouse button should invoke a properties menu that displays changes immediately; a properties menu may be sticky
Quote: clicking the right mouse button on a selected object should give a menu of everything you can do right now [»machB3_1992]

Subtopic: one-button mouse up

Quote: Lisa's mouse has only one button; users had to look at mouse if multiple buttons [»stewG3_1983]
Quote: click the mouse button once to select an item, twice to open a window; Preference's tool to adjust

Related Topics up

Topic: keystroke shortcuts as a UserInterface (22 items)
Topic: dial as a user interface (4 items)
Topic: menus for a UserInterface (31 items)
Topic: modes in a user interface (40 items)
Topic: mouse as the user interface (13 items)
Topic: selecting with a mouse
(44 items)

Updated barberCB 9/04
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