Topic: programming style
ThesaHelp: references i-l
Topic: indentation
Topic: named constants and expressions
Topic: program listing
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Ledgard, H.F., Singer, A., Hueras, J.,
"A basis for executing Pascal programmers",
SIGPLAN, 12, 7, pp. 101-105, July 1977.
QuoteRef: ledgHF7_1977 ;;101 "Notice that both the standards and the program show a great concern for the prettyprinting of programs
| QuoteRef: ledgHF7_1977 ;;102 standard heading: title, name, summary, descriptions of input and output files, notes
| QuoteRef: ledgHF7_1977 ;;102 Message strings and constants defined in a constant declaration
| QuoteRef: ledgHF7_1977 ;;103 if expression CR tab THEN CR tabtab statement CR tab ELSE CR tabtab...
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