ThesaHelp: references c-d
Group: philosophy of mathematics
Topic: science as mathematics
Topic: mathematical proof
Topic: problems with analytic truth
Topic: abstraction
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Davis, P.J., Hersh, R.,
The Mathematical Experience, Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1981.
399 ;;Quote: in the realm of ideas, the reproducible ideas are mathematical objects; similar to science being about reproducible, physical results
| 406 ;;Quote: even though formalism, platonism, and constructivism treat mathematics as indubitable truth, mathematical truth is fallible and corrigible
| 406 ;;Quote: the essence of mathematics is freedom to construct and make assumption; then these constructions impose their order on us
| 409 ;;Quote: mathematics is an objective, ideal reality that is neither subjective nor physical
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ThesaHelp: references c-d (337 items)
Group: philosophy of mathematics (11 topics, 330 quotes)
Topic: science as mathematics (26 items)
Topic: mathematical proof (23 items)
Topic: problems with analytic truth (20 items)
Topic: abstraction (62 items)