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Group: type inheritance
Topic: object-oriented classes
Topic: extensible languages
Topic: generic operations and polymorphism
Topic: problem of classifying information
Topic: inheritance of properties
Topic: object-oriented data types
Topic: type inheritance as reuse
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Winkler, J.F.H.,
"Objectivism: "class" considered harmful, letter to the editor",
Communications of the ACM, 35, 8, pp. 128-130, August 1992.
128 ;;Quote: the concept-oriented view of inheritance is based on classification in taxonomic systems; models part of the real world
| 128 ;;Quote: the program-oriented view of inheritance is based on extension and substitutability; can replace an object with an object of any subclass
| 128 ;;Quote: is-a inheritance in object-oriented programming has two very different interpretations
| 128 ;;Quote: polymorphism is useful because it allows the uniform manipulation of objects by methods of a common superclass
| 129 ;;Quote: the is-a relation does not hold for particular instances of squares and rectangles; e.g. a rectangle of height 5 and width 20
| 129 ;;Quote: object-oriented classes are really types that describe particular objects rather than abstract concepts; shouldn't use "class"
| 130 ;;Quote: object-oriented inheritance is an extension mechanism, not a specialization or classification mechanism
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ThesaHelp: references t-z (309 items)
ThesaHelp: ACM references m-z (280 items)
Group: type inheritance (13 topics, 391 quotes)
Topic: object-oriented classes (66 items)
Topic: extensible languages (69 items)
Topic: generic operations and polymorphism (65 items)
Topic: problem of classifying information (41 items)
Topic: inheritance of properties (24 items)
Topic: object-oriented data types (29 items)
Topic: type inheritance as reuse (27 items)