Group: grammar
Topic: history of programming
Topic: semantics by an abstract machine
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Floyd, R.W.,
"Bounded context syntactic analysis",
Communications of the ACM, 7, 2, February 1964, pp. 62-67.
abstract ;;Quote: a bounded context grammar is unambiguous with syntactic analysis in linear time; appropriate for most programming languages
| 62 ;;Quote: a language is a set of strings; a production is an ordered pair, a character and a nonempty string
| 64 ;;Quote: for many practical grammars, one character of context is sufficient; construct a table of character pairs and tables of first and last characters of each derivative for each character
| 66 ;;Quote: A->x|xAx is a pathological language; not bounded context; syntactic analysis is ad hoc, breaks down, or goes factorial
| 66 ;;Quote: a formal definition of semantics requires a process of interpretation and a representation of information
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Group: grammar (8 topics, 181 quotes)
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