Topic: bugs
Group: testing
ThesaHelp: references a-b
Topic: efficiency
Topic: handling complexity
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Boehm, B.W.,
"Software and its impact: a quantitative assessment",
Datamation, 19, 5, pp. 48-60, May 1973.
52 ;;Quote: programming costs increase rapidly when reach hardware limits of speed and memory
| QuoteRef: boehBW5_1973 ;;52 45-50% of software effort went into check out and testing (6 projects)
| QuoteRef: boehBW5_1973 ;;57 French meteorological satellite lost 72 of 141 weather balloons cause of bug, early Mariner was lost
| QuoteRef: boehBW5_1973 ;;57 manned space flight eg Apollo 14 18 errors found (non-fatal)
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