ThesaHelp: references i-l
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Topic: event time
Topic: concurrency
Topic: timestamps
Topic: communication protocols
Topic: time
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Lamport, L.,
"Time, clocks, and the ordering of events in a distributed system ",
Communications of the ACM, 21, 7, July 1978, pp. 558-565.
559 ;;Quote: a message system defines a partial order of events; send event is before its receive event
| 559 ;;Quote: two events are concurrent if neither happened before the other; can not effect each other
| 560 ;;Quote: implement time by a timestamp on each message; receiver advances its process time to be later than the timestamp
| 560 ;;Quote: order all system events by the process times at which they occur; break ties with a process id
| 562 ;;Quote: without physical time, there is no way to distinguish a failed process from one that is just pausing between events
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Topic: time (48 items)