ThesaHelp: references m-o
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Mauchly, J.W.,
"Preparation of problems for EDVAC-type machines",
Proceedings of a symposium on large-scale digital calculating machinery, January 1947,
The Annals of the Computation Laboratory of Harvard University, XXIV, 1948, Harvard University Press, pp. 203-207.
Other Reference
p. 365-370 in Randell, B. (ed), The origins of digital computers, Springer Verlag 1973.
203 ;;Quote: EDVAC-type machines have internal memory, elementary instructions stored as data; stands for Electronic Discrete Variable Arithmetic Computer
| 203+;;Quote: by modifying instructions; EDVAC-type machines can carry out processes that would otherwise require vast programs
| 204 ;;Quote: a master sequence directs the use of subsequences for a compact representation of complex problems
| 204+;;Quote: instruction modification is more important than subsequences; allows a short program to carry out a very long sequence of instructions
| 205 ;;Quote: create a library of useful subroutines; a calculus of instructions
| 205+;;Quote: a subroutine library requires ability to modify instructions for arguments
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