Group: memory management
Topic: managing shared memory
Topic: race conditions
Topic: security leaks and weaknesses
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Manson, J., Pugh, W., Adve, S.V.,
"The Java memory model",
Conference Record of POPL 2005: The 32nd ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, Long Beach, California, USA, January 2005, ACM Press, pp. 378-391.
abstract ;;Quote: Java memory model for multithreaded programs; guarantees sequential consistency of data-race-free programs; bounds the behavior of incorrectly synchronized programs by a notion of causality
| 380 ;;Quote: disallow out-of-thin-air changes for incorrectly synchronized code; e.g., x,y=0; y=x and x=y; x==42
| 381 ;;Quote: happens-before memory model is fundamental; reads can only observe writes that happen before it without an intervening write
| 383 ;;Quote: early writes OK if they do not depend on a read from a data race
| 383+;;Quote: in a well-behaved execution, uncommitted reads must return the value of a write that happens-before it
| 388 ;;Quote: memory model allows reorderings for optimization; independent actions may be reordered if they obey happens-before
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