ThesaHelp: references t-z
Topic: memory management by garbage collection
Topic: heap memory management
Topic: memory management by reference counting
Topic: memory management by free list
Topic: memory management by paging
Topic: critical regions
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Wilson, P.R.,
"Uniprocessor garbage collection techniques", in Bekkers, Y., Cohen, J. (ed.),
Memory Management. International workshop IWMM 92. Proceedings, Berlin, Springer-Verlag, September 1992.
2 ;;Quote: manual memory management leads to global bookkeeping, slow memory leaks, dangling pointers, and fixed array sizes
| 2+;;Quote: large software systems often contain an application-specific garbage collector; should be part of the language
| 9 ;;Quote: most high-performance, general-purpose systems use tracing garbage collectors instead of reference counting
| 16 ;;Quote: treadmill is a non-copying garbage collector that uses a doubly-linked list and a color field that assigns each object to a collection set
| 20 ;;Quote: freed memory should be reused in a LIFO order. Cyclical reuse may cause memory faults under LRU replacement policies
| 21 ;;Quote: use tricolor marking to understand incremental garbage collection: release white objects, retain black objects, and process descendants of grey objects; no pointers from black to white objects
| 22 ;;Quote: for incremental garbage collection, coordinate collector and mutator with read or write barriers; write barriers cause fewer faults
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