
Topic: memory management by paging

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Paging moves blocks of data from disk to memory and back. It is the standard implementation for virtual memory with hardware support for address translation. Page replacement selects a page to remove from memory. (cbb 12/07)
Subtopic: paging up

Quote: manage program memory as pages in uniformly-sized page frames, typically 1024 words; developed by Irons using a small resident program [»hoarCA_1971]
Quote: small fixed-length pages are better than variable length pages; needs hardware support, associative registers [»hoarCA_1971]
Quote: a page in virtual memory is well-defined only if it is contained in exactly one mapped space; AddressFault otherwise [»redeDD2_1980]
Quote: a high paging rate will maximize memory utilization [»hoarCA_1971]
Quote: shed load to stay below the maximum paging rate [»hoarCA_1971]

Subtopic: page replacement up

Quote: page replacement by testing the 'use' bit; called the second chance algorithm [»hoarCA_1971]
Quote: 'use' bit avoids unnecessary paging; LRU is not worth its complexity [»hoarCA_1971]
Quote: pre-select and write the next victim for page replacement; reduces disk latency [»hoarCA_1971]
Quote: least recently/frequently used (LRFU) block replacement policy; up to 30% better than LRU; uses linked list and priority heap based on threshold of recency and frequency value [»leeD9_1997]
Quote: segmented LRU: protected segment of cache hits; halves cache size; two disk accesses tend to indicate many disk accesses [»kareR3_1994]
Quote: freed memory should be reused in a LIFO order. Cyclical reuse may cause memory faults under LRU replacement policies [»wilsPR9_1992]
Quote: LRU does not always work for database buffer management; e.g., one-time sequential access, cyclic referencing, one-time random access [»stonM7_1981]

Subtopic: working set for paging up

Quote: under paged, virtual memory, working-set strategies are better than FIFO disciplines [»oldeRR5_1985]
Quote: in a paging system, the only important thing is to avoid thrashing; otherwise spend all of the time waiting for the disk [»lampBW10_1983]
Quote: in Pilot, users can optimize swapping behavior by dividing program into subspaces with strong locality of reference

Subtopic: page fault handler up

Quote: use the page fault handler to implement quick page accessibility tests; a page fault only occurs on a negative answer [»liedJ1_1994]
Quote: memory compressor assumes all objects are moved, using page protection to trap unmoved objects; copies pages when used [»kermH6_2006]
Quote: Mach tasks may handle page faults and page-out data requests independently of the kernel [»acceM6_1986]
Quote: use page protection to provide access to shared libraries from user-level extensions; data/function pointers stay the same; applications control which pages are accessible [»chiuTC3_1999]

Subtopic: hardware failures up

Quote: Lisa can lock out a memory block with a parity error and continue normal operation [»stewG3_1983]

Subtopic: hardware support up

Quote: Mach's virtual memory is built on hardware page validate, invalidate, and protect
Quote: Mach implements virtual memory with address maps, share maps, VM objects, and page structures
Quote: efficient intra-address space protection by combining segmentation and paging hardware

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Updated barberCB 8/05
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