Topic: memory management for programs and modules
Topic: history of programming
Topic: memory management by paging
Topic: memory management by working sets
Group: memory management
Group: program design
Topic: efficiency
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,A Hoare, C.A.R. McKeag, R.M.,
"A survey of store management techniques ,E Hoare, C.A.R.", in Perrott, R.H. (ed.),
Operating Systems Techniques, Proceedings of a seminar held at Queen's University, Belfast, Belfast, Ireland, 1971, Academic Press .
117 ;;Quote: the simplest memory system is none; i.e., main memory for one program
| 121 ;;Quote: relocate programs to allow writing programs independently of starting address and partition
| 123 ;;Quote: Onion Skin memory management super-imposes all programs; short programs overwrite beginning of long programs; efficient for highly variable workloads such as time sharing
| 125 ;;Quote: manage program memory as pages in uniformly-sized page frames, typically 1024 words; developed by Irons using a small resident program
| 139 ;;Quote: page replacement by testing the 'use' bit; called the second chance algorithm
| 142 ;;Quote: pre-select and write the next victim for page replacement; reduces disk latency
| 145 ;;Quote: eliminate thrashing by monitoring the fault rate; keep damped counts of page faults, processor time, and I/O time
| 148 ;;Quote: small fixed-length pages are better than variable length pages; needs hardware support, associative registers
| 149 ;;Quote: memory manager should never allocate storage that is not used and delay allocation until needed; also deallocate storage that is never used again
| 149 ;;Quote: a high paging rate will maximize memory utilization
| 149 ;;Quote: shed load to stay below the maximum paging rate
| 149 ;;Quote: 'use' bit avoids unnecessary paging; LRU is not worth its complexity
| 149 ;;Quote: system designers and programmers need to understand program memory management; vast difference in performance
| 149+;;Quote: five orders of magnitude performance difference between main store and backing store
| 150 ;;Quote: program memory requires efficient use of store, high page rate, load shedding, second chance allocation, and simplicity
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