44 ;;Quote: some frame languages use two-way pointers to update inverse relations; avoids tangling pointers by automatically updating all references
48 ;;Quote: Common Lisp is a well-defined, flexible, rich, and eminently useful language
48 ;;Quote: a good Common Lisp compiler is as efficient as FORTRAN for numeric programs
49 ;;Quote: every definition in Common Lisp includes on-line documentation strings; allows user to query a symbol without searching text
49 ;;Quote: no drivers needed for unit testing with interactive interpreters; just type a call to the function
49+;;Quote: interactive interpreters can inspect programs and data structures at any time
49+;;Quote: no command language or debugger needed for interactive interpreters
50 ;;Quote: the Common Lisp reader is also useful for lexical analysis and parsing of input; somewhat programmable
51 ;;Quote: Language Craft defines a context-sensitive grammar with case frames: a header pattern (matches input) and a set of cases
51 ;;Quote: a case filler in a case frame grammar is the case minus its marker; it is another pattern or case frame
51+;;Quote: a case in a case frame grammar are optional or required sentence fragments which are matched after the header pattern is found
51+;;Quote: a case in a case frame grammar may be found relative to the header or a case maker (word(s))
52 ;;Quote: Prolog programmers need traces, cut, and extralogical features such as assert and retract; is not pure, declarative programming
52+;;Quote: Prolog programmers need awareness of interpreter if they are worried about efficiency or termination
52 ;;Quote: one Prolog rule can define several functions, e.g., append defines concatenation, a test, and two completions
53 ;;Quote: an interpreter for a production system is a single large while-do; this totally obscures control flow