ThesaHelp: references m-o
Topic: top-down vs. bottom-up design
Topic: programming language design
Group: debugging
Group: program proving
Topic: semantics by an abstract machine
Topic: logic
Topic: thought is computational
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McCarthy, J.,
"Towards a mathematical science of computation", in Popplewell, C.M. (ed.),
Information Processing 1962 Proceedings of IFIP Congress 62, Munich Germany, August/September 1962, North-Holland Publishing, pp. 21-28.
22 ;;Quote: design a programming language by understanding the structure of computation and data spaces; instead of evaluating features against their costs
| 22 ;;Quote: debugging is testing programs on cases one hopes are typical, until it seems to work
| 22+;;Quote: need a mathematical science of computation to prove that programs meet their specifications; check the proofs by computer
| 27 ;;Quote: use analytic syntactic functions and state vectors to define the semantics of a programming language; e.g., val(t) and mkconst(val(t))
| 27 ;;Quote: there is no inherent limitation to the intelligence of a computer program; e.g., Post's automatic improvement process for deciding if a sentence is a theorem
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ThesaHelp: references m-o (268 items)
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Group: debugging (10 topics, 325 quotes)
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Topic: semantics by an abstract machine (38 items)
Topic: logic (84 items)
Topic: thought is computational (55 items)