ThesaHelp: references i-l
ThesaHelp: ACM references f-l
Group: object-oriented programming
Topic: examples of programming environments
Topic: memory management by garbage collection
Topic: raster graphics
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Ingalls, D., Kaehler, T., Maloney, J., Wallace, S., Kay, A.,
"Back to the future. The story of Squeak, a practical Smalltalk written in itself",
Proc. 1997 ACM SIGPLAN conference on Object-oriented Programming Systems, Languages & Applications (OOPSLA '97),
ACM SIGPLAN Notices, 32, 10, October 1997, pp. 318-326.
abstract ;;Quote: Squeak is a Smalltalk implementation written entirely in Smalltalk with a translator to generate a C program
| abstract+;;Quote: Squeak usually uses one word of overhead per object, incremental garbage collection, bulk-mutation, extended BitBlt, multi-media
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ThesaHelp: references i-l (342 items)
ThesaHelp: ACM references f-l (241 items)
Group: object-oriented programming (26 topics, 814 quotes)
Topic: examples of programming environments (17 items)
Topic: memory management by garbage collection (113 items)
Topic: raster graphics (27 items)