Topic: broadcasting information
Topic: updating information with rumor mongering and random updates
Topic: implementing distributed systems and applications
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Eugster, P.T., Guerraoui, R., Kermarrec, A.-M., Massoulie, L.,
"Epidemic information dissemination in distributed systems",
Computer, May 2004, pp. 60-67.
abstract ;;Quote: epidemic algorithm for peer-to-peer broadcast; each node randomly forwards messages a limited number of times
| 61 ;;Quote: epidemic algorithms need to determine membership, network awareness, buffer management, and message filtering
| 61 ;;Quote: membership is difficult for epidemic algorithms; e.g., broadcasting partial membership has problems with uniformity, adaptivity, and bootstrapping
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Topic: broadcasting information (18 items)
Topic: updating information with rumor mongering and random updates (13 items)
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