ThesaHelp: ACM references a-e
ThesaHelp: references c-d
Topic: logic
Topic: temporal relationships
Topic: events
Topic: state
Topic: state machine
Topic: Petri net
Topic: theorem proving systems
Topic: limitations of formalism
Group: requirement specification
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Ciapessoni, E., et al,
"From formal methods to formally based methods: an industrial experience",
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, 8, 1, January 1999, pp. 79-113.
86 ;;Quote: TRIO--a first-order temporal logic language with a linear notion of time
| 86+;;Quote: derive future, past, always, sometimes, lasts, lasted, withinFuture from Dist(F,t)--F holds at t time units from the current instant
| 88 ;;Quote: an event models an instantaneous condition such as a change of state or external stimulus
| 88+;;Quote: preconditions and postconditions for events; may be necessary or sufficient
| 88+;;Quote: a state is a predicate representing a property of a system; may have duration
| 88+;;Quote: model system evolution with events, states, and conditions
| 107 ;;Quote: semiautomatically derive sample behavioral models from the TRIO specification of a system
| 108 ;;Quote: semiautomatic proof of temporal theorems from TRIO axioms
| 108 ;;Quote: used TRIO formalisms for industrial projects; required formalism experts that often include the formalism developers
| 109 ;;Quote: Trio-based development of a pondage power plant control system 15% less expensive than traditional approach; higher requirements costs
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