ThesaHelp: references i-l
Topic: notation for program clusters
Topic: representation data type
Topic: abstract data type
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Liskov, B.,
"Programming with abstract data types",
Proceedings, Very High Level Languages,
SIGPLAN, 9, 4, pp. 50-59, April 1974.
pg. 13/14 from earlier tech report, MIT MAC memo 3/74
QuoteRef: liskB4_1974 ;;13 data structure language by clustering accessing eg. stack: cluster (element type: type) is push, pop, top, empty; rep (typeparam:type )=(tp:int; e type:type;stk:array 1.. of type_param) create code to initialize the stack // push: operation (s:rep, v:e_type);; s.stk := v; return; end; then s: stack (token) creates s as a stack of tokens
| 14 ;;Quote: 'rep' defines a representation type for use within a cluster
| 51 ;;Quote: an abstract data type is a class of objects defined by the operations available on those objects
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